suggests: Books for Experienced Job Seekers and Job Changers
With our audience in mind, we have selected a number of books for our recommended reading list, which we will continue to add to as we deem appropriate. The authors that we follow are notable thought leaders in their fields of expertise and the specific books are both current and relevant to our audience. As always, feedback and suggestions for the list are welcome.
Featured Book
The Essentials of Business Etiquette: How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success
by Barbara Pachter with Denise Cowie
Expert Resumes for Baby Boomers
by Wendy S. Enelow and Louise M. Kursmark
Great Jobs for Everyone 50+: Finding Work That Keeps You Happy and Healthy ... And Pays the Bills
by Kerry Hannon
Becoming a Life Change Artist: 7 Creative Skills to Reinvent Yourself at Any Stage of Life
by Fred Mandell, Ph.D. & Kathleen Jordan, Ph.D.
As the authors note, there is nothing easy about life change. But they do give us a good road map of what life change feels like, the skills needed and how to navigate through the turmoil.
See the Editor's Review on
What Color Is Your Parachute? 2015: A Practical Manual for Job-Hunters and Career-Changers
by Richard Nelson Bolles
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR PARACHUTE? is still the best-selling job-hunting book and is the most complete guide for first-time job seekers as well as for second, third or encore career changers.
Land the Job You Love!: 10 Surefire Strategies for Jobseekers Over 50
by Mary Eileen Williams
A practical guide for jobseekers over 50 to help turn age into an advantage in order to land the job you want. Will help you to gain the edge over the competition and put together an action plan.
See Eileen's column on

So What If I'm 65
by Bob Weinstein.
Job search at any age is full of land mines. Once you reach into the older job seekers realm the issues are magnified. Bob presents a brutally honest view of the landscape. He likewise provides suggested solutions unique to his audience.
See Bob's column on

Encore: Finding Work that Matters in the Second Half of Life
by Marc Freedman
Marc Freedman describes one of the most significant social trends yet to take place in the American workforce – the baby boomer's new phase of work called the encore career - and how to make it work for you.

The Power of Purpose: Creating Meaning in Your Life and Work
by Richard J. Leider
Well-known life/work planning specialist, Richard Leider, guides readers of THE POWER OF PURPOSE: CREATING MEANING IN YOUR LIFE AND WORK through their struggles to find their true professional callings.

Boom or Bust!
by Carleen MacKay and Brad Taft
The definitive career guide and workbook to assist Baby Boomers to understand the changes in the workplace and to manage their mature careers in a world where traditional expectations have been dashed by the lightening-fast, changing realities of our economy.